Editorial Values
Our Commitment to Quality Journalism
In the ever-evolving landscape of B2B technology, our editorial ethos at Today Digital goes beyond mere news dissemination.
Our foundational pillars—Inform, Educate, and Engage—embody our commitment to not only enriching knowledge but also fostering a vibrant community where insights spark conversations.
Inform – go beyond what’s been said
Anyone can spin a press release today – even AIs are doing it.
Our readers expect more from us. We craft stories that speak volumes beyond what’s already been said. We deliver the facts, then sprinkle them with additional value and insights and deliver them on the channels that are most convenient to our audience.
Educate – walk our audience’s shoes
We want our content to improve the lives of our audience by answering their questions and providing insights into how they can overcome their challenges.
To truly educate and enlighten our audience, we must walk in their shoes and have a deep understanding of what they’re looking to learn and accomplish.Â
Engage – be a Sherpa
Today Digital doesn’t just share the news; we create in-depth narratives and guide our audience through the landscape they want to learn more about.
It’s not enough to simply “inform” our visitors; we need to take them on a journey of discovery.Â
Download Our Editorial Standards
From defining our business’s core values to fine-tuning our tone of voice, our editorial guidelines are our blueprint to consistency, clarity, and impact in every piece of content we produce.